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#!/usr/bin/env python3
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
from fritzconnection import FritzConnection
from fritzconnection.lib.fritzcall import FritzCall, Call
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydub import AudioSegment
from libs.monitoring import endedCall
from libs.message import conversion as conv
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
import urllib.request
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
import xmltodict, json
import sys, os, time
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
import smbclient
## Get environment variables from the .env file which will be ignored by git
env_user = os.environ.get('FRITZ_USERNAME')
env_pass = os.environ.get('FRITZ_PASSWORD')
env_ip = os.environ.get('FRITZ_IP')
2021-06-30 21:06:06 +02:00
env_voicebox = os.environ.get('FRITZ_VOICEBOX_PATH')
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
env_tam = json.loads(os.environ.get('FRITZ_TAM'))
env_call_watch = eval(os.environ.get('FRITZ_CALL_WATCH'))
env_tmp = os.environ.get('TEMP_DIR')
2021-06-30 21:06:06 +02:00
if env_call_watch is None:
env_call_watch = False
elif env_call_watch:
at_least_one_new_message = False
2021-06-30 21:06:06 +02:00
if env_voicebox is None:
env_voicebox = "/fritz.nas/FRITZ/voicebox/"
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
if env_tam is None:
env_tam = {
"0" : "!"
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
if env_tmp is None:
env_tmp = "/tmp"
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# Build the url to download the message via smb
def build_download_url(mid, tam=0):
recording = "rec." + str(tam) + r"." + str(mid).zfill(3)
url = os.path.join("//",env_ip,env_voicebox,"rec",recording)
return url
2021-07-06 23:05:04 +02:00
def download_speex_file(smb_url):
smbclient.register_session(server=env_ip, username=env_user, password=env_pass, auth_protocol="ntlm")
fd = smbclient.open_file(smb_url, mode="rb")
return fd
def get_message_list(url):
""" Get and and convert the xml formatted list of messages into a dictionary. """
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
doc =
# Convert the xml formatted message list to dict
messages = xmltodict.parse(doc)
return messages
def get_last_call():
""" Get the last Call. """
fc = FritzCall(address=env_ip,password=env_pass)
print("Couldn't connect to Box")
missed_calls = fc.get_missed_calls(False,1,1)
if len(missed_calls) > 0:
return missed_calls[0]
return False
def lastcall2matrix(tam,tam_no):
# Call Watch to Matrix
if env_call_watch and not at_least_one_new_message:
c = get_last_call()
if c:
c_msg = "{} - {} ({})".format(c.Date, c.Caller, c.Name)
return False
# ... and send message and file to Matrix Room
## if Number of a TAM and the last call match
if tam_no == c.CalledNumber:
cmd = "python3 --room {} -m '{}'".format(env_tam[tam],c_msg)
print("Call Watch is off.")
2021-07-07 22:50:22 +02:00
def fritzab2matrix(tam):
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
## Connect to the FritzBox in the LAN
# We don't use tls because the self-signed cert of the box leads to a malfunction in urllib later on.
fc = FritzConnection(address=env_ip, user=env_user, password=env_pass, use_tls=False)
at_least_one_new_message = False
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
## Get info about messages from the main answering machine
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
message_list = fc.call_action("X_AVM-DE_TAM1", "GetMessageList", NewIndex=tam)
message_list_url = message_list['NewURL']
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
l = get_message_list(message_list_url)
if l['Root'] == None or l['Root']['Message'] == None:
return False
messages = l['Root']['Message']
if type(messages) is not list:
m = []
messages = m
for a in messages:
# format the information regarding the message
msg_info = a['Date'] + " - " + a['Number']
if a['Name']:
msg_info += " (" + a['Name'] + ") "
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# format the string for sound file's meta information
msg_tags = {'title': msg_info, 'artist': 'Answerting Machine' ,'album': "TAM" + a['Tam'], 'comment': 'Message of a telephone answering machine'}
# Select only new messages
message_new = bool(int(a['New']))
if message_new == True:
at_least_one_new_message = True
# Download and convert the speex files to wav
smb_url = build_download_url(a['Index'])
speex_fd = download_speex_file(smb_url)
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
conv.speex_convert(speex_fd, os.path.join(env_tmp,"message{}.wav".format(tam)))
# Convert wav to ogg
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
msg = AudioSegment.from_wav(os.path.join(env_tmp,"message{}.wav".format(tam)))
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# Only if message is longer than 5 seconds ...
if msg.duration_seconds > 5.0:
# ... export to ogg ...
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
msg.export(os.path.join(env_tmp,"message{}.ogg".format(tam)), format="ogg", tags=msg_tags)
# ... and send message and file to Matrix Room
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
command = "python3 --room {} -a ".format(env_tam[tam]) + os.path.join(env_tmp,"message{}.ogg".format(tam)) + " -m '{}'".format(msg_info)
# Mark MessageInfo as too short for the log
msg_info += " < 6 sec (not posted)"
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# Show that message is new
print("** " + msg_info)
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# Mark processed messages as 'read'
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
fc.call_action("X_AVM-DE_TAM1", "MarkMessage", NewIndex=tam, NewMessageIndex=int(a['Index']), NewMarkedAsRead=1)
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
# Show that message is already read
print("__ " + msg_info)
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
tam_no = a['Called']
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
def multitam(tams):
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
for tam in tams.keys():
print("Check TAM {}.".format(tam))
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
### Monitor the FritzBox and trigger the main script whenever a call disconnects ###
2021-07-07 22:31:05 +02:00
endedCall(multitam,env_tam, env_ip)
2021-06-27 14:01:20 +02:00