To use #mastobot you need to install tweepy, and wget. To do so you could e.g. just use pip3 by entering commandline:
``` sudo pip3 install tweepy ```
and vice versa.
Also, you have of course to register the goal accounts on Mastodon and to adjust both the file's _setting_path_ pointing to the absolute path to the settings.json file and
the setting.json file itself regarding to your needs.
Above this you need a twitter developer account to receive consumer and access keypairs. For a HowTo please take a look at the tweepy documentation.
## Usage
After having filled in every information into the settings.json file you could use e.g. ```crontab -e``` on unixoid systems from shell and add a line like
```*/15 * ** * python3 /home/username/mastobot/ >> /home/username/mastobot.log``` which lets the script be triggered every 15 minutes.
By default the script will be limited to 25 tweets per account for this period which should definitely be enough for a human account I think.
## Warning
Before you start flooding your Mastodon instance accidently with hundreds of repeating posts, please test your adjustments by hitting
```python3``` and have a look on the output. If the script breaks at any time the 'last_id'-parameters won't be updated and next time it will post exactly the same statuses again and again!