
1.3 KiB


An APA-styled citation plugin for the lektor static content management system (https://getlektor.com).


Install the plugin by

lektor plugin add lektor-citation

or by copying this repository into the packages-folder of your lektor-project.

Create an citation.ini in its configs-folder:

file = Literature.bib

And put a Literature.bib BibTex-file into the project's assets-folder respectively.


To get a formated output of your whole BibTex library you can either

  1. Use method citation_short_output in the template of your literature page. It creates an unordered list of entries.
  <ul id="literatur">
  {% for entry in citation_entries() %}
  {{ citation_short_output(entry)|decode|safe }}
  {% endfor %}

  1. Use method citation_full_output instead. This creates a more complete html-output for every entry.
  {% for entry in citation_entries() %}
  {{ citation_full_output(entry)|decode|safe }}
  {% endfor %}


<h2>{title}</h2><h3>{authors} ({pubYear})</h3>
<dl class="literature">
<dt class="edition"></dt>
<dt class="editors"></dt>
<dt class="pages"></dt>
<dt class="issbn"></dt>
<dt class="publisher"></dt>